Big Query public dataset

Description of the MGnify Proteins BigQuery public dataset

October 3, 2024

MGnify Proteins Big Query public dataset

The MGnify Protein Database release 2024_04 is hosted on Google Cloud Public Datasets, and is available to download at no cost under a CC0 1.0 Universal Licence.

A Google Cloud account is required to use the dataset, but the data can be freely used under the terms of the CC0 1.0 Universal Licence.

BigQuery provides a serverless and highly scalable analytics tool enabling SQL queries over large datasets.

Creating a Google Cloud Account

Downloading from the Google Cloud Public Datasets requires a Google Cloud account. See the Google Cloud get started page, and explore the free tier account usage limits.

Pricing information

After the trial period has finished (90 days), to continue access, you are required to upgrade to a billing account. While your free tier access (including access to the Public Datasets storage bucket) continues, usage beyond the free tier will incur costs – please familiarise yourself with the pricing for the services that you use to avoid any surprises.

The free tier of Google Cloud comes with BigQuery Sandbox with 1 TB of free processed query data each month. This should be sufficient for running several queries on the MGnify Protein Database, though the usage depends on the queries. Please look at the BigQuery pricing page for more information. Repeated queries within a month could exceed this limit and if you have upgraded to a paid Cloud Billing account you may be charged.

This is the user’s responsibility so please ensure you keep track of your billing settings and resource usage in the console.

  1. Go to
  2. Create an account:
    1. Click “get started for free” in the top right corner.
    2. Read and agree to the terms of service.
    3. Follow the setup instructions. Note that a payment method is required, but this will not be used unless you enable billing.
    4. Access to the Google Cloud Public Datasets storage bucket is always at no cost and you will have access to the free tier.
  3. Set up a project:
    1. In the top left corner, click the navigation menu (three horizontal bars icon).
    2. Select: “Cloud overview” -> “Dashboard”.
    3. In the top left corner there is a project menu bar (likely says “My First Project”). Select this and a “Select a Project” box will appear.
    4. To keep using this project, click “Cancel” at the bottom of the box.
    5. To create a new project, click “New Project” at the top of the box:
      1. Select a project name.
      2. For location, if your organization has a Cloud account then select this, otherwise leave as is.


Follow the BigQuery Sandbox set up guide.

Database structure

The dataset in BigQuery has the following schema:

        string mgyp PK
        string sequence
        string sequence_sha256sum
        string cluster_representative
        string architecture_hash
        json   pfam 

    PROTEIN ||--o{ METADATA : has
    CONTIG ||--o{ METADATA : has
    ASSEMBLY ||--o{ METADATA : has
    GENE_CALLER ||--o{ METADATA : has
        string mgyp FK
        string mgyc FK
        int    assembly_id FK
        int    gene_caller_id FK
        int    start_position
        int    end_position
        int    strand
        bool   complete
        string truncation

    STUDY ||--o{ ASSEMBLY : belongs
    BIOME ||--o{ ASSEMBLY : has
        int    assembly_id PK
        string accession
        int    study_id FK
        int    biome_id FK
        string    pipeline_version

    STUDY {
        int    study_id  PK
        string accession

    ASSEMBLY ||--|{ CONTIG : belongs
    CONTIG {
        string mgyc PK
        string assembly_id FK
        string contig_name
        string sequence_hash
        int    contig_length
        float  kmer_coverage
    BIOME {
        int    biome_id PK
        string lineage
        sring  architecture_hash PK
        string architecture
        int    gene_caller_id PK
        string gene_caller
        string version



Column Name Mode Data type Description
mgyp REQUIRED STRING The MGnify Protein accession
sequence STRING The protein amino acid sequence
sequence_sha256sum STRING SHA-256 checksum of the amino acid sequence
cluster_representative STRING The accession of the protein cluster representative. For cluster representatives, this value is equal to the MGYP.
pfam JSON Pfam domains annotations for the protein
architecture_hash STRING


Column Name Mode Data type Description
accession REQUIRED STRING The ENA study accession


Column Name Mode Data type Description
mgyp REQUIRED STRING Protein MGYP accession
mgyc REQUIRED STRING Contig MGYC accession
assembly_id REQUIRED INTEGER Assembly ID
gene_caller_id REQUIRED INTEGER Gene Caller ID
start_position INTEGER Start position coordinate of the protein in the contig
end_position INTEGER End position coordinate of the protein in the contig
strand INTEGER Strand of the protein on the contig: 1 for positive-strand, -1 for negative-strand.
complete BOOLEAN True if the protein is full-length; false if it is a fragment.
`truncation STRING Prodigal truncation notation: 00 full, 01 10 11 fragments.

Gene caller

Column Name Mode Data type Description
gene_caller_id REQUIRED INTEGER Gene caller ID
gene_caller STRING The gene caller software name
version STRING Software version


Column Name Mode Data type Description
mgyc REQUIRED STRING The contig MGYC accession
assembly_id REQUIRED INTEGER Assembly ID
contig_name STRING The contig name in the assembly files
sequence_hash STRING SHA-256 checksum of the nucleotide sequence of the contig
contig_length INTEGER Length of the contig in base pairs (bp)
kmer_coverage FLOAT k-mer coverage as reported by the assembler


Column Name Mode Data type Description
lineage STRING Biome lineage encoded by separating the hierarchy with colons (:). The biomes are based on the GOLD classification


Column Name Mode Data type Description
assembly_id INTEGER Assembly ID
accession REQUIRED STRING The ENA assembly accession
study_id INTEGER Study ID
biome_id INTEGER Biome ID
pipeline_version STRING The version of the MGnify pipeline used to call the proteins in this assembly


Column Name Mode Data type Description
architecture_hash REQUIRED STRING SHA-256 checksum of the architecture string
architecture REQUIRED STRING The Pfam architecture string


Data is available for academic and commercial use, under a CC0 1.0 Universal Licence.

If you make use of the MGnify Protein Database, please cite the following papers:


BibTeX citation:
  author = {, MGnify},
  title = {Big {Query} Public Dataset},
  pages = {undefined},
  date = {2024-10-03},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
MGnify. 2024. “Big Query Public Dataset.” October 3, 2024.